Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sleeping Memories (Christopher)

Sleeping memories: Drunk Christmases / Black Easters --

The snow falling inside the house through the broken windows . . .
A frozen lake in the bath-tub and the toilet . . .
Frozen socks hung up to "dry" the night before . . .

Refugees huddled in the "heated" room
Hiding out with the enemy,
Powerless, in a house that is silent, dark, and cold

Sleeping memories awaken at a brother's pain
Childhood unresolved, forgiveness denied,
Understanding . . . . withheld --

Lost in the dark timber, where the deer roam wild,
Along with PaPaw's beast, the "GallyWampus" who devours
Hapless children who gaze too long into his single eye . . .

In the black, back forty, where bearings are lost,
And the sun can only be seen
From the top . . . of the tallest tree . . .

When we were young, we climbed that tree, and found our way back,
Found our way "home" . . .

We stayed warm without a fire,
And found ways to pass the time.
Together we managed to eat, when there was no food,
And to be kind, when there was no kindness . . . .

All we have now are memories;
Different memories of the same childhood,
Reminding us we survived, but separating us,
From who we are now, who we were then,
Or who we remember . . . .

We are older.
We have faced the pain and the questions;
Together and separately.

Different pain
Separate questions.

I am not hiding any answers from you . . . .

I don't know what happened.

I don't know why things are so difficult.

Or, it it simply because we know today what we didn't know then?

That every day we face the monster in the dark;
That every day we have to find our way home,
And that every day when we look back . . .
We have to remember . . .

Not to gaze too long . . . .

Monday, June 1, 2009

Summer Break Started Yesterday

Julia's final performance was Saturday night, then she left for Austin and today's State Solo & Ensemble competition, and then she's done, done, done with her Junior Year. I think I'm more relieved than she is. I'll be posting pictures here and on Facebook from her show in the next couple of days.

- Q

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Memorial Day "Special Gift" . . .

Oh, Dear, Dear Patrons,

We pride ourselves on being the keepers of "EVERYTHING", particularly keeping those bits of flotsam and jetsam that could prove MOST embarrassing to our friends.  Well, all I'll say now is that I have found a precious gem of a memory and will be preparing it for duplication and distribution to the patrons lucky enough to have reserved a spot at this year's Memorial Day BlowOut. Or . . . in the common vernacular . . . I got the goods on one of you !!!!

Be Here or Be Talked About!

 - Q

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Song Remembers When . . .

And so . . . you're standing in line at a deli . . . box of fix-your-own salad from the salad bar . . . and a song comes over the muzak . . . and it's all you can do to pay for your lunch, make it to the elevator, then up to the office, where you shut your door quietly . . . and let yourself cry.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Walpurgis Night . . . 2009

Tonight is often the night designated as Walpurgis Night, the night before May Day, the Festival of Beltane (whose opposite way festival is Samhain  . . . or Halloween).

And tonight is the night that Julia and I went to see Fleetwood Mac, and Julia and I got to see Stevie Nicks perform "Storms" which they are doing on this tour for the first time ever.  It is the lyrics from "Storms" that Deb selected for her Memorial Plaque (So, I try to say "Goodbye" my friend, I'd like to leave you with something warm / But never have I been a blue, calm sea / I have always been a storm).

And tonight is the official end of my dark period, although I've been struggling my way back into the light for the past week or two.

But I've learned a lot, and I did manage to avoid any visits, or any major events during April, was able to take care of many minor (and a few major) details along the way, which has certainly contributed to my sleeping a whole lot better than I have been.  And I feel like after three years of being "de-constructed" after Debbie died, that I've laid the first few tentative bricks towards the "re-construction" of Quentin Faust, whatever that will finally look like, who knows.

I certainly know what I don't want, and often times in my life knowing that has pointed me in the right direction, and I hope it holds me in good stead at this cross-roads as it has in the past.

May will be a busy month (although maybe not if they keep closing things down in fear of this swine flu, but don't get me started on that tonight).

Julia has many performances, banquets, and activities this month, my nephew Jaedan graduates in two weeks, and I'll have the group down for the Memorial Day Weekend, when The Hotel Abandon officially opens for the Summer Season.  But I am hoping that as I "ramp up" again, I don't go full tilt into the craziness that was  my life before this "April Darkness" that has been so kind and so instructive to me at the same time.

I wrote these words down right before a very significant turning point in my career, almost ten years ago, and tonight, they seem appropriate, and I hope they are as prophetic for the next ten years as they were for the last . . . 

"Now is the beginning of the end of your searching"
"Praise be to all of your ghosts and guardian angels"

- Q

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Deb's Probate Hearing . . .

Things went as planned . . . 

The Judge was kind and considerate, especially considering the majority of the testimony involved how I lost the will (I felt like an idiot, but he was so kind) . . . 

And today, I have been a complete mess.

The formality of it, the paperwork, the testimony . . .

In some twisted way it felt like I was in court to formally sever ties / divorce Deb, and I've been uncomfortable all day long . . . to the point I haven't eaten all day . . . and am not sure at 9:00 or so in the evening whether I am going to be able to accomplish that even before I go to bed. 

Of course, it doesn't help that today was my brother Courtney's 27th birthday . . . except for the fact that he passed away before he reached his 7th.  Kind of a double-whammy for me.

In a selfish way, I thought that Courtney and I had more in common, even though he was such a small child, than I did with any of my other foster-siblings, but then, I think that Betsy, Jamie, Julie and Amy might have felt the same way.  He had the ability, as a very small child, to make you feel like he was giving you permission to enter his "secret world" and that just the two of you shared it . . . 

Maybe it was because he wasn't able to mingle with kids his own age (because of the Leukemia treatments, and the immunity suppressing drugs he was always on). . . . but he was funny, imaginative, clever, and so overly dramatic . . .  (If he had lived, he might have even given Rose a run for her money on that account)....

Deb got to meet him only once, and it was hard for both him and her.  I don't think he ever really thought I was a grown-up, just an over-sized playmate who played "He-Man & Skeletor" with him and never won when we "bowled" in the living room.  (Just so you know, I could have won if I had wanted to  . . . )   So when I brought home a wife, I think he was a bit perplexed.  And Deb said that getting to know him so near to the time that  we lost him was cruel . . . as if t it would be easier for her to lose the "idea" of my brother rather than to have to know what it was we all lost when he died, and at such a heart-breaking young age.

Like I said, it's been a hard day at The Hotel Abandon . . . lots of ghosts in the halls this evening . . .

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Coming Out of the Darkness . . . .

April has been such a tough month, but I've learned a lot of things about myself, that I now need to figure out what to do with.  And I've re-discovered things  that I have lost somewhere along the way.  When I think about the last six years, I have to congratulate myself for still being here, as low a bar as that may be, and then just turn my face toward the horizon and start thinking about the future.

1)  There is no such thing as too much music in life, and I have gone back to filling the time with music in the air, while I'm cooking, driving, working, cleaning, whatever.  Back in the day when I often didn't even have a phone in the house, let alone a cell phone, I'd spin vinyl until there would be a knock at the door, and Shaun, Betsy, or Dave would pop in, actually it was usually Shanna (with a sack of groceries for my empty pantry).  I may not have had bread, but I had the new Grace Slick album, which was my spiritual bread.  The music helps me today as much as it did then.  And sometimes I think I had it more together back then, with no money, that ridiculous Gran Torino (I can't believe any of you rode with me in that thing!), and a lot of anxiety about what the future would hold.

2) When I am not communicating verbally, I hunger to communicate in writing.  Which is why I'm gradually showing up on FaceBook, texts, etc.  At night, when I can't sleep, if I try to capture a thought, or piece of a dream that I think would make a good story or poem, if I start trying to write it out (and yes, I see the words on the screen as I think them inside my head), I find I begin to relax and let it all go.  Writing is not just something I'd like to get around to someday in my free time.  Writing will be the key to my survival, and it is crucial that I find time for it.

Well, that's just the tip of the iceberg, so turn your ship around now if this is boring or TMI, because this is where I'm headed.  

I'm spending the rest of today (and probably tomorrow) working on putting all of Julia's performances (in one iteration or another) on DVD discs.  The LOOOONG, COMPLETE ones for Julia to have personally (or to make Uncles and Aunts sit through and watch with her when you visit next), and some shorter ones in the works for me, and friends, and family.  She is mortally afraid that she's not prepared for College Musical Theatre, but when I look back on the last two years worth of video on my hard drive, she's been super active.  However, in addition to the Denton children's theatre production of Alice in Wonderland, AND the Spring Spotlight on Disney, she's auditioned for and is in the final running for a student directed (and student written) play.  She is up for the part of the crazy, psycho mother.  My guess is she nailed the audition and will end up in rehearsals for three productions at once.

Did that child have a chance in Hell of escaping from a life in the theatre?

Well enough public introspection, I'll sign off.

Many thanks to my wonderful friends for not abandoning me along the journey.  

I love you all,

 - Q

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Julia Sings with the Lake Dallas DrumLine . . .

The following is a link to the video on YouTube!

It's too big to post here.

- Q

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Mars / Venus CD Samplers

Paul has some very kind words on his blog today for the Samplers, and it made me think about how music is different to each of us, but in so many ways is one of the few universal constants.

For me it is a way to make memories, pull people together, provide support when we need strength, and to permit us to fall apart when we need to fall apart.  But above all for me music is nothing if not shared, which is why I think I put the Hotel Abandon Samplers together in the first place.

I still think it's telling that neither Deb nor I ever told Julia to "Stop Talking!" as a baby, toddler, tween, etc.

It was always, "Julia, please stop singing!"

The poor child never had a chance!

 - The Proprietor

The Witching Hour . . .

Kendra is asleep already, and Julia just got out of a shower so hot that the steam from the bathroom has warmed me in my chilly office.

The Britney Spears concert was wonderful fun.  I think she sang one song "live" but the spectacle was unbelievable.  The circus motif certainly was a lot of fun, and some of the really great moments were by the performers/dancers who filled in time between costume changes.  And Julia and Kendra had a great time.

We all have busy days tomorrow.  Work is wonderfully hectic right now, and more work is more job stability and is good, good, good.  But tonight I'm tired.  I'm going to hit the hot tub, which I'm committed to getting into at least once daily (if not twice) and then reading some old "Aquaman" comics before going to bed.....

Until tomorrow,

Love, Q!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Julia's First Dinner Party!

Julia attends her Pasta, while Kendra chops . . . something???

Schylyer wisely sticks to keeping the "tunes" rolling . . . 

God, I love these kids!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I love my daughter.  She told me today she was feeling happy again.  I hope it lasts.

- Q

Saturday, March 14, 2009

My Beautiful Julia . . .

This is a photo after Julia's performance with the Lake Dallas DrumLine . . . . she performed Evanesence's "Bring Me To Life" and it was great.  The stage was filled with drummer, and guitar players, and xylophones and it was this huge wall of sound, and Julia sang her heart out.

Then tonight, she informed me at 5:00 that she was cooking pasta for some friends this evening.  As is typical, this group includes Julia and Kendra and about six or seven boys.  She looks so at home in the kitchen.  I kept trying to help and she kept giving me that look and telling me she knew what she was doing.

The downstairs is filled with laughter, and the smell of parmesan, garlic bread, and steam.  She's growing up, and she's so taking after her mother. . . .

- Q

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Dream Within A Dream . . . March 10th, 2009

I had the best dream about Debbie last night.  Somehow we were back in 1994 and instead of going to Cornell for Law School, we had to choose between Ohio State and Florida State.  We had decided to move to Ohio, and we were finishing up moving into a house.  I was worried about starting school, whether we should have gone to Florida, and Julia was riding a tricycle in the driveway.  It was sweet to see her as a little girl again.  Deb was sitting on a big ornamental rock in the flower bed in front of the house, and she sat me down, straddle legged over her lap, pulled me close, and told me there was no way in Hell I was getting her down to Florida!  We laughed, she told me that things were alright, and that this is where we supposed to be, and to quit worrying so much.  Then she pulled me down and we had a wonderful kiss before I woke up.

Friday, January 30, 2009

And Now For Something Completely Different . . . .

Captain Jack from "Torchwood" singing "I Know Him So Well" - - Live . . . In Concert . . . And with a John Barrowman "Twist". . . .