Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Brother Is The One In The Hood!

Posing as superheroes Superman, Spiderman and Batman for the Tonganoxie High School Aim for Excellence assembly on Friday at the Tonganoxie Performing Arts Center are assistant principal Brent Smith, industrial arts teacher Don Schaeffer and principal Jamie Carlisle.
---- and I thought I was the colorful member of the family - - - - -

Monday, November 24, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

It's Official! My Daughter is TOTALLY Obsessed!

Dear Patrons of the Hotel,

Julia read Twilight twice (but oddly none of the other books in the series), and then re-read it last week in anticipation of the release of the movie this weekend.  Then she saw the movie Friday night, Saturday night, and Saturday evening, making poor Schyler watch this Vampire/Teen/Chick Flick each and every time (poor guy!).

I was asleep before they got home from last night's showing was over, so when I get up around midnight to check on my little pumpkin, make certain the door's locked, etc. . . . . She's awake and reading the second book in the series . . . New Moon . . .

It gets better . . . .

I got up at 8:00 this morning and checked on her, and she'd moved from the downstairs t.v. room to her bedroom, which is progress for those of you who know I've been fighting with her to actually sleep in her bedroom and in her bed!  But oh, no, my enthusiasm was remarkably short-lived, for when I tip-toed upstairs to check on my sweet child, she (a) WAS in her room, (b) WAS in her bed, but (C) SHE WAS STILL READING HER BOOK!   When I told her to go to bed, she replied "Dad, I only have three pages left, and then I'm going to sleep!" as if this were the most natural thing in the world for her to do.

So like her mother!  But I guess I should look on the bright side . . . she's at least reading!

The Proprietor

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

My Niece Bags Her First Deer . . .

This is my sister Amy's daughter with her first kill, which is very important in that family. When I go to visit for Thanksgiving it will be proudly displayed on the game-room wall with all the other dear, and for that festive holiday touch, they will all be sporting red and white "Santa" caps.

Not lying here....