Saturday, March 15, 2008

I Love My Victrola!

Thanks to many efforts, I finally have my incredible victorola in my bedroom, and my mom and dad are sending boxes (yes, that is plural, boxes) of old 78 rpm records with my sister Amy when she and her family come to visit in two weeks. I can't thank Shanna and Laura enough for twisting my arm and making me buy this wonderful musical time machine!

And, just to tease the casual visitor to the Hotel Abandon's virtual home, make certain you're on the guest list for the upcoming "Spring CD Sampler" and of course on the guest list for the 2008 Memorial Day Holiday Weekend Spectacular.


Anonymous said...

Please put me on the list for the spring sampler also the memorial sampler. I am still trying to digest the fall sampler, but I will probably be ready for the next installment.
You must also add me to the "Addicted to Torchwood" list. I had the tier added to my cable last week and watched "Dead Man Walking" and "A Day in the Death". I would like to be put on the list for season two on DVD because I don't think I will be able to see all the episodes and I can't tape them. AHHHH!
What does anyone think of the "death is just all blackness with something waiting for you in the dark?" thing? Thanks for making this blob oh I mean blog!

Anonymous said...

The last comment was from Snoozin

Q said...

Dear Snoozin'

Really you need not identify yourself, for the most observant staff of The Hotel Abandon instantaneously recognize each of your missives by the quite charming incoherence evident in your most appreciated comments to our humble musings.

You are already on the list for the Spring Sampler and will most assuredly be invited to the 2008 Memorial Day festivities.

Your Most Humble Servant,

The Proprietor Q

Anonymous said...

Does "... quite charming incoherence" mean you think I am blond? Harumf! Especially since I seem to be the only one reading your "humble musings!" :o)

Q said...

We'll just leave the blonde comment alone.

I appreciate your comments, very much, and it just shows how computer savvy, young and hip you are.....

Anonymous said...

"Young and hip" huh? Thanks, but I just wish I had a young hip! Come to think of it, it would not need to be attached!!!!
I started rehearsal with Pauli last night. We are doing "The Grapes of Wrath". He is in the ensemble and I am playing "spoons". It was good to see him and will be fun connecting with him again.