I heard from John Escalada, looking oh so dashing and twenty-something in his Tarot Card Portrait, via voicemail this evening, and I'm pleased to report that things are going well with his soon-to-be opened Skyline Salon. He shared with me that the gi-normous "grand opening" will likely be sometime in May. Depending on Julia's schedule with her classes and choir performances, the Faust delegation intends to be in attendance for this most auspicous occasion, and we welcome all friends of The Hotel Abandon to consider the trip to KC to commemorate the begining of what will surely be a tremendously successful business venture.
We love you John, and wish you and Carmen all the best success in the world!
BTW, you haven't changed a bit in the last 20 years, you bastard!
Actually...I think he has changed lots! I mean...he still puts up with us--and that would take a LOT of change...
I love the pic, John--and you!
How does that song go..."If I could turn back time..." Is that an acid washed jean jacket I'm wearing? Who would have believed 20 yrs ago that we would be where we are now? We are all striving so hard to continually improve ourselves! Thank you for being there for me. I love you all!
I can't wait to have you all together at the grand opening of Skyline Downtown Salon. We move in Tuesday! Check out this small mention in the NY Times...very small, but at least it's a mention in the NY TIMES! (9th paragraph)...
Yahoo! And congrats!
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