Monday, December 5, 2011

St. Genesius At The Stake

Saint Genesius at the Stake

Actor or saint, which god did you serve,
When on a clear Roman evening
You declared yourself Christian
And sealed your doom.

The play was over, and your part -- concluded.
Why did it carry on into the Emperor's Court
Where you declared yourself
Moved by your own performance,
A mockery of the baptism.

And what was your motivation
When put to the torture,
When the pyre was lit,
And the heat came in waves 
Over your sweat-streaked face?

Were you overcome with the Holy Ghost?
Thus declaring yourself Christian --
Then, no patron of Actors.

Or were you serving Thespis?
Singing the great goat-song of Dionysius --
Then, no Saint.

Or are you merely that twisted actors's fantasy --
A moment on stage, turned Legend?

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