We got home around 1:00, and I'm going to bed as soon as I hit "publish" for this post.
They sang a lot of the new stuff from "Long Road Out Of Eden" and all the good old stuff as well. The girls had a ball. They wanted to eat at "Dick's Last Resort" which worked out great, because it was downtown right across from The House of Blues, so we could walk over to the AA Center after dinner.
It was definitely a night for the memory books, and well worth the money for the tickets. It was really nice to do something extra special for Julia, and of course I loved every minute of it.
Although the highlight might have been every time Julia spotted some drunken middle aged man dancing his butt off to the music. She spotted on man on the other side of the arena, who was wearing a bright red shirt and dancing right under a light, so he was very visible, and quite animated. I heard Julia laughing (screaming) and couldn't figure out what it was. The people next to her had to ask what she was laughing at, and once they say the guy, the started laughing too. It was all very funny, and a great night all around.
Oh, well, Anankah is meowing downstairs for me to come to bed. She's obviously feeling neglected with us running out on her all evening long.
I can't wait to get under the covers, but morning is going to come awfully early, I'm afraid.
- Q
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