Thursday, September 18, 2008
We See Amos Lee this Saturday Night!
Laura is driving down on Friday evening, and my sister Betsy is coming Saturday with either my neice or her husband in tow to see Amos at the Granada theatre in Dallas. Gary and Phillip will be joining us for dinner and the concert, so it should be a blast!!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Julia and I See The Eagles Tonight!

We got home around 1:00, and I'm going to bed as soon as I hit "publish" for this post.
They sang a lot of the new stuff from "Long Road Out Of Eden" and all the good old stuff as well. The girls had a ball. They wanted to eat at "Dick's Last Resort" which worked out great, because it was downtown right across from The House of Blues, so we could walk over to the AA Center after dinner.
It was definitely a night for the memory books, and well worth the money for the tickets. It was really nice to do something extra special for Julia, and of course I loved every minute of it.
Although the highlight might have been every time Julia spotted some drunken middle aged man dancing his butt off to the music. She spotted on man on the other side of the arena, who was wearing a bright red shirt and dancing right under a light, so he was very visible, and quite animated. I heard Julia laughing (screaming) and couldn't figure out what it was. The people next to her had to ask what she was laughing at, and once they say the guy, the started laughing too. It was all very funny, and a great night all around.
Oh, well, Anankah is meowing downstairs for me to come to bed. She's obviously feeling neglected with us running out on her all evening long.
I can't wait to get under the covers, but morning is going to come awfully early, I'm afraid.
- Q
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Our Houston Office Suffered Hurricane Ike Damage . . .

All we got here was gentle, persistent rain yesterday, and today is sunny. I might even take a quick nap in the pool later on.
We go to see the Eagles this evening. Julia is taking Caitlin and Taryn along as well, so it should be fun, but it is going to be a long drive home this evening, as I don't imagine we'll be home much before midnight!
Betsy has emailed with an update from her area of Houston. Her house suffered minor damage (broken fence . . . downed tree limbs) but her parents' house is reported to be nearly a total loss (more on that when she can get down there to see for herself). Luckily, her parents had moved into an assisted living facility over the summer, so they were not there for Ike.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Julia is Cast in the Fall Musical . . .

Her character's name is "Dina" and in addition to a bunch of group and girl ensemble numbers, her solo is "Interjection!" and is the penultimate musical number in the show. She is so excited about everything to do with this. She has wanted this since she was a little girl, and turning off her lights last night and tucking her in (it was after midnight before I could calm her down enough to get her in bed), she said "Daddy, I'm just so happy."
Thank God for days like that in your child's life.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
A Beautiful Spring-Like Autumn Begins at The Hotel Abandon . . .
We were talking about the final Harry Potter movies over lunch the other day, and I said that with the delay, we'll at least have a movie every year for 2009, 2010, and 2011, and when the word "2011" came out, we both looked at each other with a shock, as we both realized that she'd be in college before Harry Potter finished his run at the multi-plex. That didn't seem right, that my little girl could grow up before I finished taking her to all of the Harry Potter movies. But time and life march on.
And I'm beginning to love my life again, as well. Autumn cleaning is almost done, only two rooms and a garage to go (which will mercifully wait until next weekend) and I'm ready for the year, which is good because the holidays will be here before you know it. Of course, the "holidays" start on October 1 at The Hotel Abandon, as that is the day we always put up the Halloween decorations.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Surely a Sign that the "End of Days" is Coming . . . .
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The I-Pod Breaks A New Record
I've been without a functional desktop to update my I-pod for almost a month, so today I had a lot of work to do getting recently acquired CD's loaded into the I-Library, and I just hit a new benchmark ---- 24,000 Songs and Counting!!!
I know . . . it's a sickness......
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
Labor Day At The Hotel Abandon. . . .
My friends left at noon today after a long, wonderful, relaxing weekend spent mostly by the pool at the newly landscaped "Q-Lagoon" . . . We celebrated 27 years of knowing each other yesterday, August 31, 2008 . . . and what a long strange trip it's been.
Laura made up several new words, shared her thoughts on her work with the Carter Administration during the Metric System push of the late 70's, and of course, moderated over another scintillating session of "Think Like Laura" - which Paul barely won, squeaking out over Shanna and Shaun who were second and third in what a point spread of -1 and -2, respectively. Betsy has what I would deem to be "probable" incriminating photos, most of which were take by the aforementioned "Betsy" although we affectionately refer to her as "Aunt #%^&*#*#(!!" - - - and Paul shared some fascinating information about "Potential Spaces" - - - which definitely has NOTHING to do with home renovations . . . . .
The only thing that was missing this weekend was the presence of our dear friends John and Don, Patrons of The Confused Castilian, who would have made the weekend complete.
I am so blessed to have all of these wonderful people in my life.......
- Q
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