Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Caleb's 8th Grade Prom Date!

The boy is now taller than me . . . Oh, My God! And his date was beautiful and very sweet.


Anonymous said...

And who is Caleb?
Ms Mouse

otteart said...

You have lots of pics of young people, Q...are you succumbing to a case of early-onset lecherousity?

Q said...

Caleb, is Jessica's brother, and for those of you who have visited know, like my own kids. Their mom and dad were super helpful and supportive when Deb was ill. For those of you coming down for Julia's show choir concet, Jessica will be performing in it as well!

Pauljaxon said...

Can't wait!!!!!!!! Lots of love...

Anonymous said...

Q, tell the boy to get a haircut! :)