Wow, this photo was taken 20 years ago (I can't be this old, can I?) Don't answer that question . . . .
My daughter is getting ready for her first real "hot" date - you know that "MoonLighting" date, where you don't like the boy/girl but so totally have the hots for him/her . . . and (0f course, I'm so totally trying to plan ahead . . . if you get in the pool do you have the bikini ready that you want him to see you in? Do you think he'll want a steak? Do you want me to disappear in my office/bedroom? )
And in the middle of some tough Dad/Daughter issues, she laughed (she has her mother's laugh) and said "You are such a good Dad!"
I think that on my deathbed I'll remember that moment. It was so simple, and heart-felt, and profound!
Oh, and before you think I'm the Dad passing out condoms at the Lake Dallas Teen parties . . . my daughter (whom I trust so much) wants me to drop by periodically, check up on the happy couple, and otherwise make the young man in question a bit . . . shall we say . . . nervous . . . (She's so her mother's daughter)......
My daughter is getting ready for her first real "hot" date - you know that "MoonLighting" date, where you don't like the boy/girl but so totally have the hots for him/her . . . and (0f course, I'm so totally trying to plan ahead . . . if you get in the pool do you have the bikini ready that you want him to see you in? Do you think he'll want a steak? Do you want me to disappear in my office/bedroom? )
And in the middle of some tough Dad/Daughter issues, she laughed (she has her mother's laugh) and said "You are such a good Dad!"
I think that on my deathbed I'll remember that moment. It was so simple, and heart-felt, and profound!
Oh, and before you think I'm the Dad passing out condoms at the Lake Dallas Teen parties . . . my daughter (whom I trust so much) wants me to drop by periodically, check up on the happy couple, and otherwise make the young man in question a bit . . . shall we say . . . nervous . . . (She's so her mother's daughter)......
You rock Q!!!!!!!
TAke pictures of the attractive young couple in their skimpy suits please. And then email them to me. Old pervs need excitement too.
I'd rather hand condoms to my daughters than have them handing grandchildren to me.
Well, she was stood up, shrugged her shoulders over the whole thing, and picked up my second-daughter, Jessica, and we had a pizza and movie night!
OK, time to hunt the little bastard down and...revenge can be very healing.
That said, pizza and movie nights ROCK.
Let him go. He's not worth the chase.
Ms. Mouse
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