Thursday, April 3, 2008

Paulie, Do You Remember This "Blast From the Past"?

Paul, this one's "yours" bud . . .


Pauljaxon said... head, my heart, my spirituality and my sexuality....who knew I had it so good!

Papa Buck said...

Who are those people? I feel so old.

Q said...

Chris Thies, Q Faust, Monte Seaborn and Barry Gray (seated) We were all in Broadhurst hall with you our freshman year....

otteart said...

I've had sex with everyone in that picture.

Q said...

In your demented dreams!

otteart said...

You were the best, Q. :P

barrettgrey said...

q- grey is spelled with an e not an a, was that during rosen and guilderstern?

Q said...


I can never remember if its an "a" or an "e" . ... .

And yes, that was on the set of "The Little Foxes" . . . was I ever that skinny?