Sunday, April 20, 2008

New Hotel Abandon Robes - Arriving This Week . . .

I wanted this to be a surprise for when the Hotel reopens on May 17th, but those of you who know me well, know I can't keep a surprise secret for very long. Here are photos of the front and the back of the robes, showing the back of the robe for Jessica (my second "Princess Daughter). Regular patrons will receive their own personalized robe, and infrequent guests may use one of our celebrity robes (Bette, Bernadette, Marilyn, Fabio, Elvis, & Ozzy).


Betsy said...

WHAT???? No Stevie or Sting??? I'm not coming......!

barrettgrey said...

i choose bette never cared for ozzy or elvis

Anonymous said...

OK You have finally fallen over the edge.
Ms Mouse

Anonymous said...

I'll be Marilyn, and Aaron is Fabio. He doesn't know it yet.

Pauljaxon said...

I want Ms. Mouse on mine!!!!!!!!!!! She rocks....and I learned so much about her recently...I can't wait to blab!