Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Julia's First Dinner Party!

Julia attends her Pasta, while Kendra chops . . . something???

Schylyer wisely sticks to keeping the "tunes" rolling . . . 

God, I love these kids!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I love my daughter.  She told me today she was feeling happy again.  I hope it lasts.

- Q

Saturday, March 14, 2009

My Beautiful Julia . . .

This is a photo after Julia's performance with the Lake Dallas DrumLine . . . . she performed Evanesence's "Bring Me To Life" and it was great.  The stage was filled with drummer, and guitar players, and xylophones and it was this huge wall of sound, and Julia sang her heart out.

Then tonight, she informed me at 5:00 that she was cooking pasta for some friends this evening.  As is typical, this group includes Julia and Kendra and about six or seven boys.  She looks so at home in the kitchen.  I kept trying to help and she kept giving me that look and telling me she knew what she was doing.

The downstairs is filled with laughter, and the smell of parmesan, garlic bread, and steam.  She's growing up, and she's so taking after her mother. . . .

- Q

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Dream Within A Dream . . . March 10th, 2009

I had the best dream about Debbie last night.  Somehow we were back in 1994 and instead of going to Cornell for Law School, we had to choose between Ohio State and Florida State.  We had decided to move to Ohio, and we were finishing up moving into a house.  I was worried about starting school, whether we should have gone to Florida, and Julia was riding a tricycle in the driveway.  It was sweet to see her as a little girl again.  Deb was sitting on a big ornamental rock in the flower bed in front of the house, and she sat me down, straddle legged over her lap, pulled me close, and told me there was no way in Hell I was getting her down to Florida!  We laughed, she told me that things were alright, and that this is where we supposed to be, and to quit worrying so much.  Then she pulled me down and we had a wonderful kiss before I woke up.